Thursday, February 2, 2012

الطرف التالت مين ؟؟؟

من بعد الثورة
قلنا اخيرا الارض رجعت للناس
والحق خلاص اتحطله اساس
واخلاق الناس بقت تتاقل بالماس
وفضلنا كتير بلدنا عالراس
بس كل مايقرب وقت القصاص
الدنيا تولع والناس تنداس
ولما نسأل على اى اساس
يقولك الطرف التالت
هواللى بيقتل ف الناس
الناس قالت مافهمناش
قام المشير قالك بلاش
نشيل الطوارىء 
واكتر من الشغب ماعندناش
اخواتنا تموت
ورئيس الوزراءيا حرام ماتغداش
تقدر تقوللى انت
ده على اى اساس ؟؟

يعنى نعمل ايه ف اللى معندوش احساس
ماهو مش لازم يبقى ابنك عشان تحس بوجع الناس
لو كنت فعلا مسئول
كنت عرفت قيمة اللى  مات
و كل زنبه
انه شجع فريقه
بحب و حماس

ارحمونا يا بشر فاقدة للاحساس
واسهل حلولهم سرقة ارواح الناس
بسيناريو قديم ماسخ
و محفور ف الأّذهان
كفاياكو ظلم و هروب
بكفاية ملاوعة و شغل يهود
ده لو بايدينا كنا رميناكو ف دوله
بينا و بينها سدود و حدود

انتو مأجورين
ولا مايتتين
ولا اصلا ماعندكوش دين
انتو مين يا قتالين

لو معرفتوش الطرف التالت
ابقو اسألوا المصريين
وبصرخة واحدة منهم 
هيعرفوكو هو مين
عشان دم اللى راحو مش رخيص
ولسه فينا ناس عايشين
عندهم حلم و مكملين
ولثورتهم مستمرين

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Framing Dreams

JUST a Moment..
Keep Silent....
Think out loud .
And answer this Questiom HONESTLY !!!
What Exactly Do You Need ?
Some of you will answer with Love,Friends,Security,Stability,Inner Peace.Being on the right track with God,Care, or even a sexually need as well as many other things.
SO,did you remember how many times you tried to satisfy this need with what's matching with your religion and traditions.. Did u try to take steps in order to achieve these needs or you just stayed until they came to your hands
I'm one of many people who have always been in a need for care and i don't feel shy to say this because this care involves my parents, lover, friends and maybe all my close circle. And am grateful having people who gave me this care when I needed it.
But there are times when these people aren't there and this is out of their own hands that's why I started to search for ways to satisfy my needs by myself.
I'm not here to mention these ways but to let you think of your needs and figure them out ,to be honest with yourself and to not be shy in demanding what you need from the person who can help you.
Even when they aren't by your side.Try to imagine talking with them.Do what you had to do together. listen songs, write your thoughts or even remember some of your funny and lovable memories together .You will feel released and some of your pain for need will go away
Need is a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful and this is what we all go's the desire for some feelings while we try to find the way to pass over this desire peacefully
If you need..say it out loud..don't be's one of your rights as a human being and as long as you feel that YOU NEED ..Congratulations you are ALIVE..
Don’t be a body moving with a dead mind. Think of your needs and fight to satisfy them by whatever you can with strength and power because need defines your way of thinking,your goals and the targets you want to achieve. Needs are your dreams in some way or they draw out the frames of your dreams andall you have to is to fill in the empty space by your hard work.. so just take the first step right and DON’T BE AFRAID TO FRAME YOUR DREAMS